
Disk Jockey: Hear Your Favorite Theme Songs Played by a Floppy-Drive Orchestra

While making music with computers is nothing new, it’s rarely quite so literal as the melodies of Youtube user MrSolidSnake74, who transformed eight floppy disk drives into an orchestra of MIDI magic. In the gallery above, you can hear his arrangements based on popular themes from Super Mario Bros, Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, Mega Man, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Game of Thrones and more, as performed by his floppy disk “instruments.”

“The concept behind this is basically getting the stepper motor to operate a certain frequency (getting the motor to step a certain amount of times in a second) which generates a pitch. Then we arrange those pitches together and we get a song,” he explained.

After creating his own arrangements of songs, he uses code written by a Youtube user named Sammy1Am to transform MIDI files into serial data packets, and sends them to an Arduino — an open-source microcontroller board – which routes the information to the floppy drives.

Want to make your own musical disk drives? Check out the Sammy1A how-to video:

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Disk Jockey: Hear Your Favorite Theme Songs Played by a Floppy-Drive Orchestra